The Weston Title 1 Program invites the Weston community to participate in a special night of literacy, animals, and fun on Friday, March 7th at Weston Elementary School.
💗 Everyone is welcome to attend!
📚 FREE books from the Weston Title 1 Program!
🍕 Pizza & water in the cafeteria (sponsored by Eagle Pride Group)
🐍 Zoozort- Join Noelle Bezio for an educational live animal program
-4:30-4:50 p.m. - Annual Title 1 Parent Meeting in the High School Library
-5:00-6:00 p.m. - Zoozort Program- High School Gym
-6:00-6:30 p.m.- Pizza for all guests served in the cafeteria and book giveaways!
Please 𝐑𝐒𝐕𝐏 on the link below to ensure enough pizza for attendees:
We hope you can join us for a wildly fun night! 🦊